

I LOVE the new Borsini.  The sound is spectacular.  I will make great use of it.


Ken R.




The box is playing well.  I took it along with me Sunday and a friend played it against two other accordion brands, one in the wood color.   The wood colored brand sounded thin, and neither could match the depth of sound coming from the Borsini which knocked them both out of the park.  Sure glad you put me onto Borsini. Thanks again and I'll see you soon.


Phil H.




Jeff, glad to report that the beautiful Vienna 414 SC arrived as scheduled.  It is in perfect shape and we had no trouble following your instructions.  Have been so busy playing it I nearly forgot to send a message!  Needless to say I am pleased with it, everything about it.  My favorite feature is the sound of the bass--so strong--an amazing for the size.  So glad we met you...will let you know how they like it at Chicago.


Many thanks.





RE:  Thrilled!!!


Hey Jeff,

Just wanted to let you know that I'm thrilled with my new Vagabond!  What a treat to be able to own and play such a beautiful instrument.





P.S.  If you're interested in hearing what my band plays, check us out at




RE:  Famiglia Jeffrey Iacono / Borsini Accordions USA


Dear Jeffrey,


I wanted to thank you so very much for setting up the tour for us of the Borsini Accordion Factory in February. The Borsini family welcomed us with open arms, and we truly had a wonderful time seeing from start to finish how the accordion is created and how much effort goes into each instrument...(I got my eye on that beautiful Cobalt Blue Accordion...Gorgeous!!!)


We were in awe every single day of the three weeks we stayed in Italy, and Famiglia Borsini was a big part of making our trip so fabulous.


Please say hello to Carlo, Franco, and of course, Paolo the singer!!  I don't remember the gentleman's name who played for us, but he played beautifully and we loved listening to him (Vincenzo Borsini).  I will send a few pics your way as soon as I get them together on my computer.




Colette & Casey O.

(Incl:  Chocolates)




RE:  New Borsini K9SC


Hello Jeffrey,


My K9SC Borsini accordion was delivered around 12:30 p.m. this afternoon by Fed EX and my husband and I were very pleased with how the Fed Ex man handled the accordion and how carefully the accordion was packaged in all kinds of foam and wrap and cardboard.  Your instructions for removing the bass strap, tape, and cardboard were super and with my husband's trusty screw-driver and your pictures and word instructions, we were able to handle "the task at hand".  The invoice was in an envelope and I just found the set of keys and actually tried locking the case and they worked.


I've played the accordion for 1 1/2 hours this afternoon and I really really like it.  I am so thankful to you for all of your help and patience and care in handling this accordion.  I love the size of the case and I like the size of the accordion and the way it feels when it is strapped on me and the tone is just super.  I'm so blessed to be able to own such a beautiful instrument.  I am in awe!!  I feel very very comfortable with this K9SC and its everything that I had hoped it would be.


Thanks so very much!!
Patricia O.



RE:  New Borsini Vagabond


Jeff, John W. said he LOVES his Borsini Vagabond, and that the mics work well.  He's already played 3 jobs with it.  Sounds like the perfect strolling instrument; i.e., small, lightweight, LMM, and nice quality.


Dale W.




RE:  New Borsini K9SC with MIDI


Thanks Jeffrey, 


This accordion and the Music Tech MIDI are wonderful.  It's the best accordion I have ever owned.



Richard T.



RE:  New Borsini K10SC Accordion


Hi Jeffrey,


A rare moment for me, I am virtually speechless!!


My Borsini arrived yesterday afternoon, and we (husband "Jeff" and I) took it over to Paul M., who opened the bass and took out the cardboard. He gave it a brief test run and seemed quite tickled--played his own arrangement of the Minute Waltz for us.


We were not back home until late and I had morning business, so just now got to play it MYSELF!

Rather than babble on with my enthusiasm, and specifics about what I notice right off, I'll look forward to a chance to talk with you sometime.


Suffice it to say that the gold flecks and the sounds coming out of my Borsini gem make me feel like royalty!!

Many thanks, and then some more!


Patty S.




RE:  New Borsini K8 Accordion


Hi Jeff.

Having just put away this accordion for today, which I bought from you at the Cotati Accordion Festival, I'm compelled to thank you and Borsini once again for this absolutely terrific instrument.

How so much sound quality in so many distinctive registers is captured in this little box is a testament to the craftsmanship of the Borsini workforce and the standards they follow for product excellence.

Without doubt, this was the best investment I've ever made in my continuing enjoyment of music.

Grazie mille.
Bob R.



RE:  Accordion Tuning


Hi Jeffrey!

Carmen and I took our time, driving back to Santa Barbara. Once at home I had plans in my mind of doing a little sewing project. But that changed fast.


After a light dinner, I got the Borsini out of the box and played. And played. And played. It was so exciting to feel the instrument again and to coax out and listen to the tones: You did a wonderful job in bringing the reeds up to their superior potential. They were singing in their many voices. I loved what the Borsini was made to do and what you with your professional care to re-tune and align the instrument let me now enjoy it again.


Thank you much, Jeffrey. You've got my vote for a great representative of the Borsini family. With greetings to you, Angelina and Mom


Heinz T.



Maestro Accordions

Phone: (714) 269-8646

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